Music Lessons at Wilton Music Studios

Piano Lesson Near Me

Piano Lessons
Our teachers tailor piano lessons to the needs and desires of the student. The enormous versatility of the piano combined with the wide-ranging experience of our faculty means their piano lessons can take the student wherever they want whether it be serious classical, folk, or popular music.

Guitar Lessons Near Me

Guitar Lessons
Our teachers tailor music lessons to the needs and desires of the student. The enormous versatility of the guitar (not to mention its portability!) combined with the wide-ranging experience of our faculty means their lessons can take the student wherever they want whether it be serious classical, folk, rock, jazz, or popular music.

Vocal Lessons Near Me

Voice Lessons
Our teacher at Wilton Music Studios will craft singing lessons to fit the needs and interests of the student. As singing exists in all cultures and every kind of music the possibilities are practically endless and your teacher will lead you through any style of music your heart desires.

Flute Lessons Near Me

Flute Lessons
Our teacher at Wilton Music Studios will craft flute lessons to fit the desires of the student.  All students are schooled in the fundamentals of sound, technique, and ergonomics, so they are prepared to explore every genre of music that may interest them with confidence.

Clarinet Lessons Near Me

Clarinet Lessons
Our teacher at Wilton Music Studios will craft music lessons to fit the needs of the student. An extremely versatile instrument, the clarinet is used in jazz, pop, classical, and is featured in both bands and orchestras. This instrument will lead you through every style of music your heart desires.

Violin Lessons Near Me

Violin Lessons & Viola Lessons
Our teacher tailors music lessons to the needs and desires of the student. The versatility of the instruments combined with the wide-ranging experience of our faculty means their violin and viola lessons can take the student wherever they want whether it be serious classical, folk, or popular music.

Cello Lessons Near Me

Cello Lessons
Our cello teacher tailors music lessons to the needs and desires of the student. The versatility of the Cello combined with the wide-ranging experience of our faculty means their cello lessons can take the student wherever they want whether it be serious classical, folk, or popular music.